trails carolina investigation


Trails Carolina, a wilderness therapy program aimed at helping struggling adolescents and young adults, has recently come under scrutiny following allegations of misconduct and questionable practices. This investigation seeks to delve into the various aspects of Trails Carolina, shedding light on the allegations, the organization’s response, and the potential impact on the individuals involved.

Background of Trails Carolina

Trails Carolina was founded in 2008 and is located in the picturesque Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. It offers outdoor-based therapeutic interventions for young people facing a range of challenges including behavioral issues, substance abuse, and mental health disorders. The program combines wilderness experiences with therapeutic techniques to facilitate personal growth and healing.

Allegations and Concerns

1. Abuse and Mistreatment

One of the most serious allegations leveled against Trails Carolina is the mistreatment of participants. There have been reports of physical and emotional abuse, with some former participants claiming they were subjected to harsh and punitive measures.

2. Lack of Professional Oversight

Another concern revolves around the qualifications and training of the staff. Critics argue that the program may not have adequate oversight by licensed and experienced mental health professionals, potentially putting the safety and well-being of participants at risk.

3. Questionable Therapeutic Practices

Some have raised doubts about the efficacy and appropriateness of the therapeutic techniques employed at Trails Carolina. Critics argue that wilderness therapy, as a field, lacks empirical evidence to support its claims.

Trails Carolina’s Response

In response to the allegations, Trails Carolina released a statement asserting their commitment to the safety and well-being of participants. They stated that they take all complaints seriously and have implemented measures to address any misconduct or lapses in professionalism. The organization also emphasized its dedication to providing high-quality therapeutic interventions.


Q1: What is the wilderness therapy approach?

A1: Wilderness therapy is an experiential form of treatment that combines outdoor adventures with traditional therapeutic techniques. It aims to promote personal growth and emotional healing by immersing individuals in a natural environment.

Q2: How long is the typical program at Trails Carolina?

A2: The length of a program at Trails Carolina varies depending on the individual needs of the participant. Programs can range from several weeks to several months.

Q3: Are the staff at Trails Carolina licensed professionals?

A3: Trails Carolina employs a combination of licensed therapists, field guides, and other staff members. While some staff may hold professional licenses, others may have extensive experience in outdoor education and therapy.

Q4: What safety measures are in place at Trails Carolina?

A4: Trails Carolina places a strong emphasis on participant safety. The program provides extensive training for staff, conducts regular safety drills, and maintains communication with local authorities for any emergencies.

Q5: What is Trails Carolina doing to address the allegations?

A5: Trails Carolina has stated that they take all allegations seriously and have implemented measures to address any misconduct or lapses in professionalism. They are also conducting internal reviews and making necessary adjustments to ensure participant safety and well-being.


The Trails Carolina investigation highlights the importance of vigilance in the field of therapeutic interventions, especially for vulnerable populations. While Trails Carolina has asserted its commitment to participant safety, it remains imperative for concerned parties to continue monitoring the situation and advocate for the well-being of all participants.

In the coming months, it is crucial that Trails Carolina demonstrates concrete actions to address the concerns raised and rebuild trust within the community. Only through transparency and accountability can the program regain its reputation and, more importantly, provide a safe and effective environment for those seeking help.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is based on publicly available sources and does not constitute professional advice. It is recommended to conduct thorough research and consult with relevant authorities or experts for any specific concerns regarding Trails Carolina or similar programs.

